Friday 4 November 2011


With the Occupy Wallstreet Movement well underway it's rather unfortunate that these two great ideas with so much potential are, chronologically, almost two years away from each other.

A greatly inspiring video. I recommend that everyone watches it.

The Move Your Money Project was started by Arianna Huffington of Huffington Post (see the article) during a pre-Christmas dinner in 2009. What emerged was an inspirational, yet somewhat unpopular cyber-movement.

Frankly.... I don't know how many people actually went out and switched banks.
Hell, I only heard about this thing a few days ago.... ^_^  (hehe) ...  this may go to show how far reaching the movement actually was.

However, according to news reports, the movement numbered in the thousands. Rather similar to the Occupy Wall street movements, just without much of the protesting and world-wide impact. However, with that said, bringing a very effective strategy at causing harm to a system that has wronged so many.

Well, okay then. Fine. Thousands is good. It's better than hundreds. And rallying hundreds to do anything is an arduous task all on it's own.
But that can't possibly be enough to affect the 5 largest U.S. banks can it?

Well judging based on the assets these monstrously big corporations hold (chart & chart), it doesn't seem that even a hundred thousand people will make too much of an impact on their luscious, green reservoirs of cash .

As sad and unlikely as it seems, the matter calls for literally millions of people (probably simultaneously) withdrawing their money and switching to community or union banks.  Which is probably not going to happen - atleast not anytime soon and/or not all at once.

Such a process is a slow and steady one; and, much like all other past movements, the "consumer-capital movement" will be years if not decades long.

So should people do nothing about it? Should they pass this opportunity? Sit in silence and wait for a larger, more organized movement?

You absolutely should! - if you can wait for eternity.

Corporate greed can have hazardous effects. Learn how to protect yourself from the stupidity and malice of others.

As the cliche goes: there is no time like the present. And in the present we have the largest protest against corporate greed in the history of the U.S.A.

Are you REALLY going to wait any longer to begin standing up for yourself and YOUR money???

You may not be at wall street or anywhere close to a huge financial sector in order to protest it, but I'm sure you've got community banks that need your real, physical, monetary support.

You wait long enough: and soon they won't be there.


Under the weight of those fat monsters gobbling up your cash like Halloween candy. ^_^

Get your friends and relatives to switch with you! Plan it! Clusters of 5-15 people leaving banks not only draws attention but helps the community banks your switching into.

Remember that this isn't about getting the big banks attention and crawling back when they throw you a bone: you are switching for good - forever. 

The two movements: OccupyUSA and MoveYourMoney.

Separated in time, united through cause.

The one and only power you still have as a citizen and human is to say NO!



Control your money and you will control your power - control your power and you will control your life.

I hope in time this movement forms strong, symbiotic bonds with #Occupy and the two become one and the same. Besides forming a responsible and ethical political party, this is another very effective method of destroying the system that abuses you.

On that note, here is a funny infomercial from Bill Maher on this very topic:

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