Friday 21 October 2011

Fuck the Police, Occupy Everything !!!

 The title idea came from a good friend of mine ^_^

But seriously, the police of New York city and all around the world act like despicable brutal thugs with no concern for the liberty and dignity of others. yes, in other words, they act like the police.

These guys must really love their batting practise.

But then again, should we be surprised in the least at the behaviors of "authoritative forces" (not only the police but all physically abusive powers: CIA, FBI, Military, ect.)?

After all, the long parroted slogan "to serve and protect", as cliche as it has become, does not specify whom it is applied to...

You can cry out any hateful or joyous expressions to their face; you can tell them to: "fuck off", call them "pigs", inform them that "you/we pay your taxes"; alternatively, you can encourage them to "join the 99%", call them your "brothers and sisters", hell, you can stick some hippy sunflowers down their gun barrels while your at it...(don't try that)

Despite all your best efforts to hate them or love and justify them, the fact of the matter is the police DO NOT exist to protect YOU.

They protect what they are told to protect: it's called "the system".

Deputy Inspector Raymond Bologna, pepper spraying protesters without cause - clearly the grumpy, old asshole of his department. 

Now don't be alarmed (if you already are). They will defend your rights, and protect your home, and charge your oppressors - that is, if your oppressors are not the system itself.

However, if you are out to bend or break the status quo, like the occupy wall street movement, you can be sure to expect a very different quality of treatment than your tax dollars payed for.

People who align themselves in opposition to what a rational individual would see as an unfair and debilitating socio-economic system are made a demon and criminal of the state.

As a result you have the state of affairs that is the occupy movements all around the globe: truly brave individuals (and you have to be brave stand up to armed and armored thugs who have every legal right and power over you, whereas you have absolutely none over them) stand up and stand out in protest and defiance of the physically and economically dominating  power structures DEEPLY embedded in western infrastructure.

In other words: shit is fucked up and people are sick of it.

But what now?

Well, the movement is still brand spanking new, however it is fairly obvious ( with all the political and governmental opposition being aimed towards it ) that it's not gonna last as long as the protesters have hoped for; or, as long as the ruling class is afraid it will last for.

A few websites and online groups have been created as well as the creation of The Occupied Wall Street Journal, but is that enough?

Well of course not! Not in the least.

In fact if this display of sustained public dissent is the extent of the power of this movement then it might as well have not existed altogether ( yeah, I said it ). What it's done so far is what many "libby" fringe movements have accomplished: safely forging communities for themselves in the deep, dark depths of the net, away from the castigating light of day; and then, crawling out of those marginalized holes in order to, all too briefly, criticize the powers that be just to return to the murky sewers from whence they came.

Now the occupy movements don't look like they will be returning anywhere anytime soon BUT! the thing is: they will.... yes, they will... and then what? nothing?! a distant, hazy memory?! this "thing" that almost happened but didn't?

This movement is FAR bigger than that and deserves MUCH MORE than some shitty columns in the archives of the NY Times or even on this shitty blog.

Occupy Wall Street is the Woodstock of the new millennium. But instead of drugs,sex and rock n' roll (yes, yes the hippy movement was more than just that) it offers us something far more pressing in todays age: Liberty, Justice and the Pursuit of Happiness. (...saaay, what happened to all of those anyway? ...oh yeah! $$$$$....)

These are the three key qualities that many forces within political and corporate circles wish to slowly and noticeably remove from everyone of us and the three qualities, that inexcusably belong to every human being on this earth, that this movement is fighting for.

The only way they are going to get the changes they seek is if they realize they won't get a damn thing unless they get even more organized, focused and form into an actual political group themselves.

Thats right, without a NEW and ACTUALLY LIBERAL political party being formed, unlike the conservative Democrats that are in power, this movement and any inspiration it has fostered in the minds of the people will quickly deteriorate.

I greatly hope the people of Occupy Wall Street and Occupy America ( and even all around the world) realize the immense collective power that resides in each one of their hearts and minds, and together fuse into an ever more powerful agent of change.  

The world needs it desperately.

Great struggles will reap great rewards.

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